Friday, July 23, 2010

Core stability and cycling

Core stability has received considerable attention with regards to functional training in sports. Core stability provides the foundation from which power is generated in cycling. Abt, et al., (2007) determined the relationship between cycling mechanics and core stability. Hip, knee, and ankle joint kinematic and pedal force data were collected on 15 competitive cyclists while cycling untethered on a high-speed treadmill. Total frontal plane knee motion, sagittal plane knee motion, and sagittal plane ankle motion increased after the core fatigue protocol. Core fatigue resulted in altered cycling mechanics that might increase the risk of injury because the knee joint is potentially exposed to greater stress. Improved core stability and endurance could promote greater alignment of the lower extremity when riding for extended durations as the core is more resistant to fatigue (Abt, et al., 2007). McEwan, (2009) also determined the improve core strength for optimal performance and cycling injury prevention. Accordingly, the glutes, the oblique abdominals, and the back extensors are other muscles that must be working optimally to hold the form when the pressure is on.

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